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Before and After
Before & After
Before and After
Before & After

Patient 2

Dr. Weintraub performed a brachioplasty (arm lift) on this patient to remove the excess skin and fat of her arms. He hid the incisional line on the underside of the patient’s arm so that it is not visible.

For excess bulk of the upper arms, sometimes liposuction is not the correct choice, because the skin can not contract enough due to loss of collagen and elastin that comes with aging, or due to an overabundance of skin. When this is the case, a brachioplasty (arm lift) is the responsible surgical choice, as liposuction would remove the fat but would leave big empty “flags” of excess, loose skin. This patient disliked always having to wear long-sleeved clothes to hide her flabby arms, and was very pleased to wear short sleeves again.

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